Virtual Therapy for Caregivers in New York State

Caring for someone with a brain disorder or injury can feel overwhelming, confusing, and sometimes downright scary. 

What does it all mean? What can you expect? And how do you care for them without losing yourself – or your sanity – in the process? 

You’ve probably heard the airplane analogy so often it makes your eyes roll: Put on your own oxygen mask first, so you can better help others put on theirs. 

It is SO hard to do, yet it is SO incredibly true. 

You need your own oxygen.

You deserve your own oxygen.

You deserve it, and they deserve it.

So here you are, looking for that oxygen. 

And I am so glad you are.

As a clinical neuropsychologist, I know how complicated neurological disorders can be. 

AND I know that there are tools that can help.