Virtual Therapy for Parents of Kids & Tweens in New York State

You’ve probably heard the airplane analogy so often it makes your eyes roll: 

Put on your own oxygen mask first, so you can better help your kids put on theirs. 

But it’s SO. Damned. Hard. 

No matter how many parenting articles you read and how determined you are to “do better,” you find yourself snapping, yelling, making threats, and cringing as your own parents’ words come out of your mouth. 

Or you’re so weighed down by feeling numb, sad, or worried that you can’t pay attention to your kids, let alone deal with their challenging behaviors. 

And then, when the dust settles, you’re left with an all-too-familiar guilt hangover, lying awake wondering if you’re broken and unfixable and failing at the job that matters most to you. 

You are not broken.
You are not failing.

This is HARD. Legitimately, understandably, hard.

You need your own oxygen.
You deserve your own oxygen.
You deserve it, and they deserve it.

Maybe You Feel Like

I get it. 

Never before have you felt so vulnerable. 
Never before have you had so much to lose. 

This is not the parent you want to be. 
This is not the person you want to be. 
This is not the life you want to have. 

So here you are, looking for that oxygen. 

And I am so glad you are. 

Looking For Parent Coaching?

I offer virtual parent coaching through my separate business Connection-Based Parenting. Coaching services are available to anyone, not just NYS residents.

If you’re not sure which type of support would be best for you, you’re not alone! Feel free to reach out and I will help you figure it out.